Traduction Dean Inkster



06/11/99 10:17 PM
all at the same time

11/11/99 03:45 PM
Write like watercolor: low definition journal, aphorism, automatic writing, intimate diary. An information system for oral transmission or based on the email. Various kinds of professional, personal, and informational messages... all passing directly from the brain to media. One should be able to think in a continuous flow or tense flux.
The Crusoe System or the email model.
Practices, what is the relation between practices? That which belongs to art and that which doesn't. An idea conveyed in a technique. Is there art or are there arts?
Make do with what is: the Robinson Crusoe System.

12/11/99 12:15 PM
sweet, o sweet new millennium.
Do not construct JUXTAPOSE.
AND, (comma)
thus already begun and not yet finished
No past, no future, and life continues.

15/1199 04:34 PM
not what interests me but what concerns me
Does the ethical exist only where there is interest?


16/11/99 11:04 am
Is it not nostalgia that sadly inspires us to project the future in order to rediscover the past?
Everything is a question of speed or the regularity of chance: the vibration of internal and external atmospheric pressure.
Does structure kill fiction? Does the organization of a practice diminish the imaginary?
The raven, Bonson's, Jaber's, Buddha's? What is the relation between childhood and the raven?

17/11/99 08:37 PM
desire for another, not to be had
our dependencies protect us from others

19/11/99 01:37 PM
Lack is only the necessary concentration for setting rhythm.
Power is the immediacy of tradition, to transmit with out loss, to give in order to enrich oneself.
A porous and unstable autonomous system: PUAS.


01/12/99 11:32 am
Sad Isotope, the multiples of the body, the calm sigh.
Language varies pleasures.
Maintain the presence of the origin otherwise: "your document cannot be found: check that it is not already open and that the access path is correct."
Learn to read the access path in the present position, [cf.] Poe's novella on walking, idem for Proust's paving stones in Venice.
Reach the ascent…

02/12/99 11:02 am
the intake of air, etc.
everything is linked by atoms of complicity,
the ball against the wall,
everything we project ends by colliding
and returns at the same speed.
Humanity evolves in its plasticity.
The sliding of the octopus and the logic of the boomerang.
language or the body's complexion
Another body, how many membranes?
Writing and structure?
Objective: the permanent creation, succession, and fade-in/fade-out of juxtapositions; permanent desire: the octopus.


04/12/99 03:27 PM
Do not give oneself a frame, but an abscissa and an ordinate.
Life in 3D, transcendence brought back into the frame.

08/12/99 06:58 PM
...the moment of compatibility between the skin and air which never ceases to push back the body’s limits...
The exchange of time or quality?
The extra-version of a solitary text?
lack is only the necessary concentration for the regulation of time

20/12/99 06:55 PM
travel = the passage from one fiction to another

05/01/99 12:19 PM
There is no art, only the proof of art.
Write in binary form, as the octopus moves
by yes and no.

12/01/99 10:43 am
Can one live with nothing else in the body than the calculation of tomorrow?


28/01/00 11:15 PM
Write a biography:
Nobody cares about your story
Nobody cares about your story
Get back
Get back
Get back to reality

06/02/00 10:50 am
(Jingle) there are waiting hours between our two worlds
Thought separates,
intelligence is generous.
Today's heroes: blood groups, OAB+, the compatible absolute.
everything happens, and everything happens at the same time...

10/02/00 04:39 PM
There are bodies that develop in breadth and others that develop in density.
The human body in vertical transversal slices: from the back or the front.
Date limit for the consumption of a work: in thirty days this work's source code will open. It should be purchased or experienced before it begins diluting.
Is art a port of registry?
We pass the time, like Pokemons, resolving the consequences of a movement or a war?

03/05/00 11:45 PM
Future ex-position.
Unity of place and time, plot the horizontal: conception, production, distribution.
Family albums: the traces of these exhibitions are quasi-familial documentation.

29/05/00 08:24 PM
The head is a mushroom, it emits spores.
Too many spores keep the body preserved, but their emission is not without repercussions; it saturates intimate space, invisible bodily substances: sporematozoids.
the body begins with the gaze
thank you very much
thank you for everything

05/09/00 00:50:25 am
Wind of:
the air before anything else
Projection of:
one's own history in that of others
Translation of:
a language in addition to another
Resonance of:
the outside in the inside
Consequence of:
Compatibility of:
all scenarios
Juxtaposition of:
everything that resonates
Density of:

07/09/00 06:49:27 am
1+1=1 or 1+1=2
all different in order to be alike (USA)
all alike in order to be different (Europe)
To be tolerated or to be respected?
Praise of posture: Capra versus Verhoven.

08/09/00 06:49:27 am
the flowers of hawthorn,
that moment when desire and appeasement mingle

14/09/00 00:18:00 am
Artistic activity and spiritual activity,
plastic poetry.
Action Thinking,
the act of thinking.
Almost letter for letter and with the same pronunciation:
origin and commandment in Greek,
the first movement is never inconsequential.
beginning and head in Hebrew,
man begins from above.

18/09/00 07:17:38 am
close and close
proximity and closure in English.

20/09/00 11:16:13 PM
Why is it that humors also have such a huge impact on the landscape?
Vaporous exchanges?
Should one depend on the subway or the ego? What is the perfect balance between the interior and the exterior?

\the_plane_tree_the republic

There are two models:
complementarity (sentimental, economic)
and compatibility.
Transparency, pornography, mystery,
Posture, naïvety, eau de rose, frontality, hope!?

02/10/00 04:34:14 PM
Why did I choose poetry?
There are three things in this century that I haven't experienced and that make me an extraterrestrial: Marxism, psychoanalysis, and rock & roll.

02/10/00 05:48:48 PM
Are we merely the best catalysts of a given moment?
What is the relation that holds the table and the cup together?
What is the relation that holds the table and the chair together?


14/10/00 11:22:30 PM
Why I chose poetry:
1. Fallow land:
land that has been left abandoned where forms deteriorate. Everything becomes more malleable. The de-formatting of practice. The creation of new territories.
Poetry is the action of thinking.
2. The cliché:
"Ah! What a poet!"
A means of occupying time and space, and not merely contemplating or speaking them. Alter, transform a space or a function anywhere or anytime. A zero-point of creation
3. The grandchildren of performance:
the work exists during the time of its execution, then through the testimony of those who were present. No or little materials and the importance of oral transmission.
Acconci, Filliou, Journiac...: from poetry to performance.
The writing of form, structure, and the construction of sensual systems. Artistic enterprises (writing its history within art history), social sculpture, tool box,

19/10/00 02:54:06 PM
It is always a question of presence: art, love, living, dwelling, to be inhabited, the home, the limits of the body. The two Jewish mystics: God's body and his throne.
What is the dimension of my presence?


21/10/00 12:12:20 PM
_Mouvement pour un Optimisme Radical_
_Movement Mondial Priapistes Actifs_
In combining these two groups the MMPA MOR _et même pas mort_
And not even dead.
A new movement to follow: L'ART NAÏF.

31/10/00 12:32:20 PM
Once one has left one hasn't arrived.
an organized solitude,
odors think, common violence,
_l'heure de rien_
The novel again: each time, at night, on the country roads: Under Satan’s Sun.
The fragment: Novalis, Nescafer.
The awakening of desires, the pine.
Proust, time, the novel,
photosculpture, block of reminiscence.
The fragment and fiction very quickly.
Instant fiction = Nescafer, the film.

02/12/00 07:13:01 PM
The heavy metals:
make what is light heavy and what is heavy light.
I admire empty images, almost written: earth, sky, hill, sun, house...

03/12/00 04:23:01 PM
discontinuity = illiterate cinema, no grammar, no syntax
Disjunction: Deleuze, Godard vs. Dogma
image, sound, text.
=> dispersion
nonlinear, perpetual loop
Cinema credits: the beginning or the end, not the middle.
To have the feeling of being the first or the last man:
Genesis and Apocalypse.
Paris brings me relief from everything.
all this time
a faithful body
victories and reconciliations.
What happens in the darkness that makes the instant overwhelming?
Cognitive mapping:
it comes by itself
And yet:
Individual and collective
from one to the other: emergence
From one to the other: connective mapping.


03/12/00 04:23:01 PM
Compatibility: multiple choice fictions MCF
General compatible fiction
intersecting fictions
the great narrative
the general narrative
organic fiction
functional mythology
From mythology to fiction one passes from a religious model to a sociological model.
Multiplication of histories?
Other models: video games, arcane games, role playing,
the scenario, arborescence, navigation.
Movie, Movement
Film, fiction or documentary, disappearance of categories
the return to film determined by its technical medium
laptop movie,
mobile cinema.
The diary: fiction of a life,
an attentive regard.
The marriage of fiction and documentary,
of the real and its organization,
of daily life and history.
Generic, genesis = enumeration,
day by day


09/12/00 03:10:12 PM
There are nerves that stop the hand from moving independently.
Hands have an autonomous existence.
The hand is a reasoning instrument.
Kneeling in the car, a Pontiac 77 wagon,
I had forgotten
pale blue.
To be impressed,
to choose what one wants to be impressed by.
The imprint: to let something pass through you
- several times, very fast -
(writing) as to the minor narrative: no more than the alphabet,
and then destined to disappear, to become popularized, to enter the common language, to become a common name, common sense. To be without history, without a past, without a future, without a present. A hyperconductive, supraconductive body.
Give me a point of leverage...


24/01/01 08:07:37 PM
the trace beyond,
that which is left by a brutal arrest
Movement is what allows us to stop.
What is the difference between the interior and exterior of speed?
To film a moving car or from a moving car.
Blanket of sound = continuo bass = music for airports.
When you watch television, the television watches you from within.
Television is electrons, of micro speed.
The swarming of electrons or spermatozoids,
in the stomach, in the chest, in the shoulders, in the neck,
an intense speed, an internal speed, rhythm.
HSB: high-speed body.
The play of the camera:
The sliding of the octopus: infinite zoom.
Ubiquity or the dissipated promenade: the same point photographed from four sides.
Speed: a backward zoom from the circulation of traffic to atoms.
Windows: the eye blinks while passing above.


28/01/01 12:42:56 PM
My question is: what happens between Raison and Imagination?
It is the fear of this exchange that withholds everything, that censors the ramifications of thought.
The fear of living in one's own fiction: paranoia, schizophrenia.
corpology: Lucretius, Synesius of Cyrene, Agamben
You must undress my soul,
my senses mistook an image for a skin.
Screen, renaissance, technology.
Body screen:
to act as a screen and
to be a screen.
"The contemplation of separated substances," the pixel, bits.
Cinema = the projection of light from behind = physics
Television = the projection of electrons from in front = chemistry.
Computer (liquid crystal, plasma screen) = surface movement = the mobilis in mobile.
The projectionist,
the newscaster,
To be wild:
to attend to one's own atomic activity,
stalkers, of atoms.


29/01/01 04:38:13 PM
Anabasis: the ascent,
to follow one’s slope in ascending it.

31/01/01 12:24:31 PM
To be alone = to fall within.
The screen is the invention of printing.
Body screen.
the body is and acts as a screen.

31/01/01 04:26:03 PM
Para ergon: (etymology: around the work),
the frame of a painting.
Today, the context, the economy.
The work exceeds, from within the frame (Pissaro paints it for the first time), everything from its conception to its distribution. All these stages, all these limits can become part of the work.
Cf. the tiny children of performance, the artistic enterprise.
Cf. Derrida: the truth in painting


04/02/01 06:17:05 PM
And also the odors...
To create is to learn to support the catalysis,
reception heats the resistances,
the neck and the trapezoids.
Maintain modernism, the simplicity of a procedure's enunciation, the possibility of oral transmission.
Radicality: being naïve.
To make of life nothing more than the modest participation in a construction site that has already begun: the self-portrait.

13/03/01 11:18:56 PM
Hiroshima passes the apocalypse from the hands of God to the hands of men.
Man becomes omnipotent.
The following stage: omniscience.
The conclusion of the project of Enlightenment and the development of the sciences = the weather.
Knowledge of the future, predestination, DNA.
The weather, astrology, clairvoyance…
Anticipation. An international clairvoyance fair.


21/03/01 04:42:54 PM
A bullet in the head,
an on/off switch in the neck,
the quality of the air,
chance, experience,
I would like to dedicate my life to the quality of air.
And here I am participating in the great history (of the frustration) of painting.
What I would like to happen to my body (continued)
Anabasis 3 (the ascent)
_that the lower jaw advances
-that the cheeks hollow out
_that the ribs open
_that the shoulders retreat
_that the knees free themselves
_that the feet breath
_that the neck increases the input/output
_that the forehead disappears.

15/04/01 08:47:14 PM
Remanence, n. the partial persistence of a phenomena following the disappearance of its cause.
Complexion, n. constitution, physical temperament of an individual, etym., assemblage of elements.
Compatibility, n.

09/05/01 03:53:17 PM
Metathesis of quantity: the work must remain in the studio while the plan is exhibited (byproducts?).
The work is an object that is too hard, too round, in order to be exhibited, but it remains important as an object of research and as a matrix.
The plan, more weightless or rapid, is better adapted to exchange and escapes its consumption due to the matrix in which it adheres imperceptibly.